Saturday, October 29, 2011

First Frost Incoming

Another 40k codex is about to drop and rumors and half-truths run rampant thru the inter webs. But the question remains will the Necrons be the Meta altering codex that the grey knights turned out to be. If you would believe the rumors it would appear that even there transports will be AR13 which would very much affect things and the living metal rule is said to ignore crew shaken & stunned results. Honestly any more conjecture without point values is pointless. They may be able to do these things but the point cost might be beyond the point in which they would show up in a tournament list.

Tournament update; this week has been chopped full of news for the event as we draw closer to the Nov 19th and the FNGC first tournament, Josh has almost finished up the custom objective makers that he has agreed to paint up for the tournament (vintage DE slave girls any one). Only 5 spots remain open and we still haven’t had the interview with the 11th company go live.

One of my friends may be borrowing my Grey Knights but he plans on funning an unusual list include a Dreadknight, while it’s not quite finished you can see the progress so far. I’ve also been working on my Kalamzar list which is going to be my fun list, and I just got 3 daemonhosts for next to nothing from ebay. Only need two space monkey’s to finish off the list.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Week Break

Thanks to the one week break in the IG vs. Ork campaign I've decided to hook up with some friends I don't see that ofter any more for some good old fashioned role playing. I started roleplaying a very long time ago something like 19 years ago and up to two years back I used to play it every week. But thanks too a couple of kids, and the lack of interest on my part I just stopped playing. And which point I turned my free time to wargames.

Monday, October 3, 2011

To dip or not to dip.

So this last weekend I picked up a can of Quickshade made by Army Painter from my local gaming store. The hope was that it speed up the painting process on close to a 80 Mordians that I am currently working on. For a table top quality I really like the results but I'm definatly going to have to pick up a matte spray for the model. The glossy sheen just does not work for this army but it might be cool for a space marine of 'Nids.

Please note that one picture is with flash & one without.