So a little on me I started playing 40k about 13 years ago catching the end of 3rd edition as well as 3.5. I than a took a 10 year break, missing all of 4th edition, and got started back in the hobby about six months after 5th edition was introduced. Over the years I've played a lot of different armies from Dark Eldar to Space Marines, but my true love has always been the Inquisition and more specifically the Grey Knights. In an attempt to make the competitive I tried every type of ally that was available so I starting picking up Space Marines, Sisters of Battle, and IG. Unfortunately none of it worked so the army fell away and I started playing Salamanders for almost the year or so. Thanks to a few a friend who loves to paint the army is completely painted and ready for tournament play and while I'm not the best player I normally finish towards the top of the pack.
When Grey Knights dropped earlier this year I pounced on it, the expanded fluff was great and the army played like I thought they should. And since I never had gotten rid of the Daemon hunters army it took my very little time to get the army up and running. At this time this is the 2000 point list that I've been running with;
Grand Master w/Rad & Blind Grenades
5 Paladin w/ 2 Nemsis Force Swords, 2 Nemsis Force Halberds, 2 Psycannons, & a daemon hammer
8 Purifier w/5 NFH, 2 Psycannons, and a daemon hammer in rhino
8 Purifier w/5 NFH, 2 Psycannons, and a daemon hammer in rhino
Grey Knight Strike Squad(5) w/psycannon in a Psyback
Grey Knight Strike Squad(5) w/psycannon in a Psyback
Storm Raven w/ Multi Melta & Lascannon
Dreadknight w/ Heavy Incinerator
Psyfilman Dreadnouhgt
Psyfilman Dreadnouhgt
Well I will be posting up some pictures of what I've been painting up. It's amazing what a few years will do to you paint abilities.
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