‘Ard Boyz Semi Finals
Round 1
So my first game was against IG w/ Vendetta Spam (5 of these things) with of course 5 veteran squads with melta guns & demo charges, a blob squad with auto cannons, a squadron of leman russ battle tanks, and the cherry on top was Straken, & an astropath. The mission was pitched battle with victory points and to get a designated troop choice into your opponent’s deployment zone which was worth and additional 500 victory points.
He got first turn and deployed pretty much completely filling his deployment zone. With the astropath restricting reserve I used my grand strategy to scout my two purifier squads so that they could blow smoke in front of all my vehicles so that I could cover saves vs. all the las cannon shots about to come my way. But luck was on my side and I seized which turned this from a shooting match for him into a real game. So after 6 turns of a knock out drag out fighting we drew both of us got are messenger into are opponent’s deployment zone, and I discovered that straken is a mean mean man he killed 4 Paladin in close combat which pretty much was the swing he needed to draw the game. All in all a great game would love to play Mike again some time, we both knew that unless we massacred are next two games we had no chance of placing.
Round 2
I played blood angles this round and he had taking the meta in hand when he was creating this list and had decided to shut down the grey knight psychic phase. Librarian, 2 Furioso Librarian Dreadnoughts, Brother Corbulo, 4 Five man assault squads with a melta gun in 2 razorbacks with las cannons, a god pattern land raider and a crusader, 3 Baal Predators, & 3 Vindicators. The mission was to get as many scoring units within 6 inches of the center of the board and of course pitched battle.
Seeing the vindicators I concentrated fire on them which was my big mistake of the game. Since he was only rocking 4 troop choices I thought I would have no issue getting them later in the game but it didn’t work out as well as I had hoped. Basically ended up 5 to 3 scoring units so I got a minor victory and no bonus points because I was so concentrated on trying to get things out of land raiders, this game was my game to make mistakes if I had slightly better I would have had a good chance of a major victory. But my opponent was smart and capitalized on my mistakes so I have no one to blame but myself.
Round 3
This was not my favorite game; I played a kid who seemed to have practiced on how to cheat when he was rolling his dice. Rather than the pick and toss he would rattle the dice in his hand than set his hand on the table and release. It bugged me but since I was obliterating his army I choose not to do anything about it. He played DE with a raider spam, incubi beast pack, and an archon. It really was miss match list.
So this was the mission where we don’t know what the objective was until turn 3 I spent the first turn destroying his transports & ravagers. On turn 3 we rolled and it was table quarters the best option for him since I contested two and he held two. Well fortunately killing warriors and forcing moral checks caused 3 warriors units to fall off the table. So by end if turn 5 I held two and contested one, we rolled for end of game and to my great disappointment it ended. If I had one more turn I think I could have contested two for the major victory.
All in all it was a good time for a free tournament. I won’t get into the cheating that happened by a player to win the tournament by using his friendship with the TO to get the best matches for his army. I will say that I will not be going back there for any more tournaments.